Monday, October 22, 2012

Billy Graham to America: "We Need a Cult Leader in the White House!"

Hypocrisy is now a Biblical Value!
     How desperately do these Republicans want to keep a black man from becoming too uppity?  They figure that we all had our fun; the country engaged in its own prolonged four year Saturnalia, you know that old Roman holiday where, for a week, slaves got to be the masters and masters had to play the slaves.  Four years was long enough, I guess.  Now its time to get normal again.  Don't want to give us too much hope.  Don't want any of us to think that any real change can happen.  They never expected that Obama might just win a second term.  Time to crush that.  So they even dragged out one of their sacred relics without even dusting him off and cleaning him up.  Did anyone else think that Billy Graham had died years ago?  He's back and with plenty of full page advertisements in some of the nation's newspapers to endorse a candidate who can pass on biblical values to the next generation.  Like hypocrisy.  Didn't anyone have the sense to delete all the references he made to Mormons as a cult on his website before letting him out of the home.

     I volunteered for a few Billy Graham Crusades in the Pittsburgh area when I was younger.  He was good at what he did:  a man of average intelligence without real oratorical skills, a mediocre author, never prone to deep thinking, chosen by God to deliver a simple message-- Christ died for your sings; repent; accept him as your Lord and Savior; get eternal life. And thousands would wind their way to the front of the stage to the tune of "Just As I Am."  We as volunteers would make sure to distribute information about one's new life in Christ that included the need to start attending a local Christian church.  That was all good.  But this 180 of his just proves that in the end the only biblical value that matters is to be a conservative white guy.

Although raised Presbyterian, I attended a variety of Evangelical and Charismatic conferences to which my mother dragged me from the time I was in elementary school.  For example, we were told never to allow the travelling Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses into our homes because they were wickedly adept at sophistry and could shake our apparently unreasoned faith.  While I no longer list Mormonism as a cult, it is certainly NOT Christianity, in spite of the fact that for obvious PR, their new name is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  The Mormons may be a church, and Jesus may be involved in their creed, but Mormonism is not Christianity.  Take for example the belief that God is a physical being who has a physical wife with whom he engendered two sons-- the bad one, Satan, and the good one, Jesus; or the fact that they have an entire additional sacred text describing the way in which the risen Christ visited the white natives of America, presumably at some unknown time before the actual native Americans arrived.  Now all this is just water under Billy Graham Cracker's "Christian" bridge.

My disdain for Romney has to do with his policies not his religion.  I wonder, however, whether any of the "right wing Jesus Christ was born in the U S of A and swaddled in the Confederate Flag"  crowd are uncomfortable each time Romney ends a speech with God Bless America?  I mean that God isn't the Christian God.  We must presume that white Evangelicals just love to hear God and America mentioned together, assuming that the clean cut conservative white guy speaking must be referring to their own God, the anthropomorphic one that approves their message.   What a country!

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