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This guy right here is "urban" enough for me!! |
The sanest rationale comes from those who say that there is nothing wrong with the Republican message; it's just hitting the ears of Hispanics and Asians all wrong. According to this premise, a simple tweaking of the Republican platform-- maybe adding the words Hispanic and Asian along with Israel and God-- will find many minority voters banging down the Republican doors to get in.
A less sane one sounds like this: a majority of American voters are now takers for whom the Obama-Democratic message of big government resonates and for whom individual success is instantly maligned. According to this premise, there is no salvation for a country that is heading for political and moral destruction.
I think that there is a far simpler reason why the Republicans lost the Presidential election.
The answer lies in the answers to a few questions.
Evangelicals are
a) a cult that features a white Jesus
b) true white Christians
c) true white Americans
d) all of the above
A tea party is
a) a bunch of white people with white rage hating the federal government because that's easier than blaming themselves
b) a bunch of white people with white rage hating the federal government while accepting all the social advantages that derive from the federal government.
c) a bunch of white people period
d) all of the above
Abortion is
a) something white men should be fighting against
b) a procedure rare among white men
c) something white men are far better able to discuss than women
d) all of the above
Same sex marriage is
a) something that white men either dream about or fear
b) something that keeps white homophobes going to Chick-fil-A
c) something that white Jesus hates
d) all of the above
Paul Ryan was chosen as Mitt's VP because
a) he was a white conservative who would appeal to other white conservatives
b) a white guy whose sexy gym pic would increase the white male turn-out
c) he was really really really white (without a trace of "urban")
d) all of the above
Average white voters in the South
a) are 80 percent likely to vote for a white guy
b) have fantasies of living as overseers of large slave plantations where they can rape and abuse black people they way they were born to be treated
c) think the Confederate Flag is a symbol of all that's great about being white and American
d) all of he above
The correct answer: Republican = WHITE
The reason why Romney lost was because the largest part of the Republican constituency is not the ardent Catholic fighting against abortion or the really rich guy who loves the financial license Republicans grant him, but the white racist (most from the old Confederacy, a great deal from the very white states of the Midwest). Racism was simply not a huge draw for Hispanics or Asians or any other minority group. And it was not a draw for white women. And it was not even a draw to whites on the left and right coasts.
Let's face it! The Republicans are never going to be able to expand their base as long as their base is a group of white racists. And the Republicans are not gong to be about to change their message to a more universal or appealing one since their message is created by white racists.
There are two things equally true for this constituency
1) they live in hatred and fear of the black man
2) the Republican Party is a comfortable place for them to exist and procreate
88 percent of Romney's support came from white voters
In Southern states Romney overwhelmingly won the white vote (89 percent in Mississippi; 84 percent in Alabama; 68 percent in North Carolina; 62 percent in Arizona; 65 percent Missouri, 61 percent in Florida and Virginia)

These people aren't going anywhere, although they talk a lot about secession.
Lest you think that it is absurd to think that so many years after the Civil War there are whites who still formulate their identity as members of the Confederacy, keep several things in mind. There has never been such animosity among Republicans to the results of an election as there has been this year. Whites are publicly talking about secession. There has never been such hatred of a candidate as there has been to Obama-- there are web images showing him lynched or depicted in simian terms or whites sites
hailing the merits of white dudes and despairing at how much has been given away to blacks. . There is a severe insecurity problem among many whites who simply cannot understand the world and heir won place in it when the highest elected office is held by a black man. Bereft of self-confidence, these people lash out against the same "other" that has always given them the greatest surrogate fro their missing self-assurance and has instilled within them the deepest level of fear-- the black man.
There is no good reason for any nonwhite group to vote for a Republican knowing that their greatest constituency believes that American is first and foremost a white nation. This transcends any possible connection that any nonwhite group might have with Republican policies. And let's make no mistake-- the Republicans were counting on this racist voting block to carry them to victory.
So all this talk is cheap. Republicans will win elections when the white racists prevail; they will lose when the white racists lose. Simple. Unless heavy duty statements arise from leaders of the Republican Party that they abhor any and all manner of racism, the Party of Lincoln will live and die by racism.